Are you really okay?

I raised you in the dark, caught you reading by the sunrise
You wandered from the path, through the silence of the hillside
And don’t you know I could see it in you even then?
And don’t you know I was trying to hold back the darkness?

And are you really okay?
Are you really okay?

You woke me up one night dripping crimson on the carpet
I saw it in your eyes, cutting deeper than the scars could run

And don’t you know I could see it in you even now?
And don’t you know I want to help you? But I don’t know how

And are you really okay?
Are you really okay?

And I, I cannot fix your wounds this time
But I, I don’t believe you when you tell me you are fine

Please, don’t hurt yourself again
Just please, don’t hurt yourself again
Please, don’t hurt yourself again
Please, don’t hurt yourself again

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elokuu 2024
ma ti ke to pe la su