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English and my blog
I should probably write more in english but I don't like writing same things again... and I don't know how many foreigner reads my blog anyway.
Teksti jatkuu vielä. Lue loppuun.
Avainsanalla "english" tägättyjä artikkeleja Rollemaassa on tällä hetkellä yhteensä huimat 7 kpl.
Alle 1 min lukukokemus
I should probably write more in english but I don't like writing same things again... and I don't know how many foreigner reads my blog anyway.
Teksti jatkuu vielä. Lue loppuun.
2 min lukukokemus
1 min lukukokemus
I have 5G iPod Video 30gb which is really good player. I can play music, videos and movies.
taddels kommentoi viimeksi 18 vuotta sitten. Katso mistä puhutaan.
Alle 1 min lukukokemus
This is also a test message. I haven™t translated all of the website yet because I have not had time at the moment to do so.
Teksti jatkuu vielä. Lue loppuun.
Alle 1 min lukukokemus
I'm testing this plugin which allows me to blog in other languages, like in english or swedish. I want to blog in different languages, because I would like to be international and I can train my skills in languages.
Ressu kommentoi viimeksi 18 vuotta sitten. Katso mistä puhutaan.
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